Supplement Dispensary
Welcome to the supplement dispensary, an online store full of top of the line health and wellness products.
Wellevate is a way for you to shop brands and products that are typically only available for purchase by a licensed healthcare practitioner. Through Wellevate, you have direct access to shop some of the best brands on the market, through my license. These products have been chosen for their potent and pure ingredients, and research studies to back up their efficacy.
Plus, you'll receive 10% off your order and free shipping on purchases over $49.
Simply click the image below to start using Wellevate and browse natural health products.
Thorne Research
Thorne does extensive clinical research and they are pioneers of nutritional science. Their products are top of the line for purity and performance. Some Thorne products are available through Wellevate, but not all, so if you’re looking for Thorne products specifically, this link will allow you to use my affiliate number which gives you access to shop all Thorne products.
Plus, you’ll receive 10% off your order and they are currently offering free shipping on any amount!
Simply click the image below to view the Thorne Research online dispensary:
Interested in taking better care of your health but feel overwhelmed by too many options?
Between herbal medicine, vitamins, supplements, essential oils, homeopathic remedies and more, the world of natural health has a lot to offer, but it can be hard to know where to begin to address your specific and unique needs. Take advantage of my experience and expertise; I’ll help you prioritize your best options.
I offer 20 minute phone consults in which we go over your health history, questions and concerns, and get clear on your wellness goals, and then I will follow up with a comprehensive email summary detailing my top recommendations for you and why. You can then evaluate what resonates with you and decide which products you want to purchase. And because it’s all done over the phone and via email, you don’t have to live nearby to schedule a consult with me.